
About Us

At Home With Great Art!

We love art! Especially the old masters. We believe the art of such beauty should adorn homes and offices. We look for masterpieces by great masters that are in the public domain with the right licenses. We pick paintings that are available for free commercial utilization with no known copyright claims.

We will try to keep the site free from ads for as long as we can. This is because we know you love to browse through great art without being distracted by ads. This would mean that we may not make a buck in the short term. We will take that loss. 

We are also affiliate partners at this time. 

We are an e-commerce site. We are constantly adding to our large collection. Please feel free to browse our collection of art prints, guilt-free. Please feel free to make purchases; we have an awesome collection! We are also constantly adding to the collection. 

If you have product suggestions and are interested to see a painting adopted into that product, please let us know. We promise to see what we can do :-). 

Purchases will help to broaden our catalog in the long run. In any case, we would love the encouragement. Please reach us at, if nothing else, but just for a chat ;-).